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The Safety Principles for the Use of Low Flashpoint Fuels in Shipping

​Gerd Wuersig summarized the saftey principles related to liquefied gas transport and alternative fuels in a book which is now available - ISBN 978-3-031-64173-2 -, published by Springer, Berlin, pages 184, hardcover price in Germany 42,79 €.


Technical rules like the IGF code are developed by large groups of experts over long periods of time. Explaining the background for the requirements of such rules is not part of the development process. As a result, the reasoning behind the rules is often lost over time, or at least hidden from the end user of the rules. The purpose of the publication is to explain the safety principles behind the rules for unconventional marine fuels. It is the author's hope that an understanding of the safety principles will contribute to the technology-based interpretation of the rules and their further development.


“I think in the long run shipping and aircraft are the only things that need large quantities
of energy-dense liquid fuels,...”

Dr. Gerd-Michael Wuersig, Financial Times, 04.09.2018

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